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Dota Szymborska, PhD



Education             The Maria Curie-Skłodowska University                          Lublin, Poland, 2022
                            Faculty of Philosophy
                            Ph.D. in Philosophy
Thesis title: A Philosophy of Posthumanism and the Praxis of Robots in Autonomous Cars in the Aspect of the Collision of Intercultural Systems in Asia and Europe
Supervisor: dr hab. Tomasz Kitliński, Freie Universitaet Berlin
Graduate School for Social Research                        Warsaw, Poland, 2005
Institute of Philosophy and Sociology Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw
Four-year Ph.D. course
Warsaw University                                       Warsaw, Poland, 2003
Faculty of Applied Social Sciences and Social Prevention
MA in Sociology
Thesis title: The story of foe, about the Basque Country
Supervisor: prof Marcin Król, Warsaw University
International Institute of Sociology in Law               Onati, Spain, 2003
One year Master Course
Scientific Director of the course: prof Malnolo Calvo - Garcia
Warsaw University                                       Warsaw, Poland, 2001
Faculty of Philosophy
MA in Philosophy
Thesis tile: Logical atomism by Russell and Wittgenstein. Distinction and similarities
Supervisor: prof Jacek Hołówka, Warsaw University

Research Experience     

 My research focuses on ethical issues related to generative AI.
Doctoral dissertation is devoted to the philosophical understanding of how robots and artificial intelligence function in autonomous vehicles. The aim of this dissertation is to identify solutions regarding the robotization and independence of machines as well as the transhumanist understanding of the world, taking into account the intercultural systems of two continents: Asia and Europe. Posthumanism, associated with the mass introduction of new technologies and solutions, requires the redefinition of many concepts, both in the field of philosophy and in the social sciences.
Research Interest   
·       Ethical issues of the new technologies.
·       Ethics of AI, generative AI.
·       AI in Academia.
·       Digitalization of society - opportunities and threats.
·       Automotive policy and the structure for building an ethical decision-making system in autonomous vehicles.
·       Metaverse as a platform for communication and business.
·       Social Media and its impact on the life of societies.
Awards and Grants  
·       TOP 10 Women in Data Science Ethics, Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit, June 2024, Warsaw.
·       Expert in Working Group on Artificial Intelligence (GRAI) at the Ministry of Digital Affairs, since February 2024.
·       TOP 100 Women in AI in Poland, Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit, June 2022, Warsaw.
·       “Residencia Grant” in International Institute of Sociology in Law, Onati, Basque Country, Spain founded by IISL and Basque Government, April 2004 – July 2004.
·       Scholarship founded by Minister of Education of Poland from 2000 academic year till 2003.
·       Scholarship Erasmus/ Socrates in International Institute of Sociology in Law, Onati, Basque Country, Spain, October 2002 to April 2003.
·       “Computer Grant” in International Institute of Sociology in Law, Onati, Basque Country, Spain, October 2002 to April 2003.
·       Scholarship for the best marks founded by university (during all study).
Teaching Experience 

·       Teacher of “Judaism” at the High Schools in Lublin during “Tolerance workshop” organised by Forum of Intercultural Dialog, Lublin, Gliwice, Poland, 2003.
·       Leading of workshops about Holocaust in Polish High Schools, organised by Society Club and PUSZ, series of “Broken Silence”, Warsaw, Poland, 2003 -2004.
·       Academic teacher at the Warsaw University – independent seminar in Department of Gender Studies “Judaism, feminism and Israel”, one semester, Warsaw, Poland, 2003-2004.
·       Series of lectures during PUSZ (Polish Union of Jewish Students) camp, “Branches of Judaism”, bloc of lectures and discussions “History of Sephardic Jews”, Domaniewice, August, 2006.
·       Author's workshop for young parents on early childhood education, Warsaw, Kraków, Lublin, Poland, 2008-2010.
·       Author's workshop for young parents on early childhood for LIMUD participants, Jachranka, Poland, 2012-2013.
·       Creative writing workshops for students of SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw, Poland, 2012.
·       Series of open lectures on Transhumanism Society, Warsaw, Poland, 2021-2022.
·       Academic lecturer at Collegium Humanum, teaching subjects such as Sociology, Sociology of Organizations, Ethics, Philosophy, and Ethics in the Psychology Profession (Bachelor's and Master’s level), Warsaw, since 2023.
·       Skills trainer, HIAS, Warsaw,  May 2023 – June 2024.
·       Academic lecturer at University WSB Merito, teaching subjects such as: Essentials of AI, Ethics in AI (independent seminar), Ethics, Warsaw, since 2023.

Industry Experience        PR and communications agencies                                    Warsaw, 2018-2022
·       PR manager responsible for communication of IT and energy companies.
·       Preparation of texts for websites, SoMe, SEO writing.
·       Creating communication strategies for start-ups.
·       Author of texts on new technologies.
·       Website editor.
·       Expert Management Specialist in marketing with influencers. 
·       Writing parenting texts for websites.

Magazines, www portals, newspapers                       Warsaw, 2012-2023
·       Co-creation of a permanent column - Academy of Emotions, interviews with psychologists and psychotherapists (Twój Styl)
·       In-depth interviews with psychologists and psychotherapists prepared according to the author's scheme prepared by me (Charaktery)
·       Preparing texts in the field of early education, upbringing, women's topics and sport.

Scientific Publications

·       Jewish cemetery in Gliwice at Na Piasku Street, in: Introduction to the history of the Jewish community in Gliwice, edited by Grzegorz Szyndler, Gliwice School and Social Society, High School in Gliwice, Gliwice, 1996, pp. 37–55.
·       Thought and thinking, in: XXIX International Seminar of Scientific Circles, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Olsztyn 2000, pp. 50–55.
·       A woman in a kibbutz – a sketch, in: The State of Israel. Political and legal analysis, collective work, edited by Ewa Rudnik, Wydawnictwo Trio, Warsaw 2006, pp. 91–97.
·       Infected with Life, Meryba. A minority magazine about culture, December 2007, pp. 10–17.
·       A Scientist does not have to be Human?, “Zoon Politikon”, 2020, 11/2020, pp. 352-366, link: https://www.ejournals.eu/Zoon-Politikon/2020/11-2020/art/16301/?fbclid=IwAR0nWjxYAf6_pERoiWCbvPiqC_fsMs91PIMS9GeGJq32_bXyalI6YhQx1Xc
·       Autonomous cars and their choices, "Przegląd Filozoficzny" 2020, Nowa Series R. 29, No. 3 (115), ISSN 1230–1493 DOI: 10.24425/pfns.2020.133976 link: https://pf.uw.edu.pl/images/NUMERY_PDF/115/2020-03-PFIL-07-Szymborska.pdf
·       Of Face-Masks, Umbrellas, and Thunderbolts (wraz z prof. Tomaszem Kitlińskim, The New School for Social Research, Nowy Jork, link: https://blogs.newschool.edu/tcds/2020/04/27/of-face-masks-umbrellas-and-thunderbolts/
·       Gorging Art, Pragmatism Today. The Journal of the Central-European Pragmatism Forum” 2019, Politics Peirce Art, vol. 10, s. 124–126, ISSN 1338-2799, link:http://www.pragmatismtoday.eu/winter2019/Pragmatism_Today_Volume10_Issue2_Winter2019.pdf
·       Recipes or footnotes to the art of eating?, "Teksty Drugie. Literary Theory, Criticism, Interpretation”/2019, ISSN 0867-0633, http://tekstydrugie.pl/auth/dorota-szymborska/
·       “Beauty in Metaverse”, Aesthetic thinking, The Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, 2023
·       When Chatbots talks, Holistic News, December 2023
·       “Artificial Intelligence as the Parergon of Contemporary Art: Aesthetics and Philosophy in the Face of New Technologies”, Parergon as a Metaphor for the Contemporary World, The Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, 2024

Invited Talks 

·       Open lecture at Wroclaw University, „From Chasidic women, to lesbian rabbis“ Wroclaw, May, 2006.
·       Member of panel discussion organized by Pontifical Academy in Krakow “IX Day of Judaism in Catholic Church”, Krakow, January 2006.
·       Open lecture during “LadyKonfa” conference, “Women and Halacha. Freedom or subjugate?” Warsaw, December, 2005.
·       Open lecture at Feminist Foundation - eFka, “Lesbians – rabbis, rabbis – lesbians”, Krakow, November, 2005.
·       TEDx WUM, WUM, speech „Passengers of Algorithms”, https://youtu.be/A7eAcXcPsNk Warsaw, November 2019.
·       Perspektywy. Women in Tech Summit, Perspektywy, Ethics of Algorithms in Autonomous Vehicles – Roots and Possibilities, Warsaw, November, 2019.
·       Perspektywy. Women in Tech Summit, Perspektywy, Does a scientist has to be human?, Warsaw, November 2020.
·       Open lecture by invitation of the Polish ML community about Chat GPT, Kraków, March,2023.
·       Women in Tech – Meetup, Panel discussion and presentation - Ethics of AI, Gdańsk, April, 2023.
·       Open lecture – Ethics of AI, Lubleskie Dni Infromatyki, Lublin, April, 2023.
·       Panel discussion: Responsibility in Science: Does good science always have to predict its results? Direct to Science - achievements of NAWA grantees, The Polish National Agency For Academic Exchange, Warsaw, May 2023.
·       Cashless Congress, open lecture, Chat GPT how it has change world, Warsaw, June 2023.
·       Perspektywy. Women in Tech Summit, open lecture, Chat GPT – new challenge, Warsaw, June 2023.
·       AI in Academia, Hevelianum, Gdańsk, October 2023.
·       AI in Academia, online, Technical University, Gdańsk, October 2023.
·       Responsible AI, P&G, Google, Warsaw, October 2023.
·       AI in the Courtroom: Navigating the Maze of Ethics and Law in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, co-leading webinar in International Institute for Sociology of Law, Onati, November, 2023
·       AI Innovators CEE, Google For Startups, Warsaw, November, 2023
·       Tech Talk Café, invited expert, online, December 2023.
·       Ethics in AI, SAP, Gliwice, March 2024.
·       Ethics in AI, University WSB Merito, April 2024.
·       Ethics in AI, University of Lodz, May 2024.
·       Perspektywy. Women in Tech Summit, open lecture, Ethics in Generative AI, Warsaw, June 2024.
·       Socioo cultural backgrounds of AI, Open Eyes Economy, AGH-UST Faculty of Humanities, Kraków, Poland, June 2024
·       What does it mean AI, SoTechLab, AGH-UST Faculty of Humanities, Kraków, Poland, June 2024

Conferences (Lead Author) 

·       Course „Electoral Packet” organized by National Democratic Institute For Internationals Affairs, Warsaw, Poland, 1998.
·       „Winter Youth School” organized by Westminster Foundation for Democracy and “Polish Work” Foundation, Ustron, Poland, 1998.
·       Member of “Summer school of Political Philosophy” organized by Institut fur die Wissenschaften vom Menschen in Vienna,  Cortona, Italy, 2000.
·       Member of “Second summer school of Feminism” organized by  Oska – National Women’s Information Center and Gender Studies at the Warsaw University, Zegrze, Poland, 2000.
·       Member of National Conference “Polish Students and Integration with European Union” arranged by Student’s Self-government University Board at the Lodz University, Lodz, Poland, May, 2000.
·       Member of 15nd Winter Course of Isodarco (International School on Disarmament and Research on Conflicts) “South-Eastern Europe: Internal Dynamics and External Intervention”, Andalo, Italy, February, 2002.
·       Member of Summer School Wierzba 2001, “Europe: One, Two, or Many”, arranged by Graduate School for Social Research, Warsaw and The Department Of Political Sciences, Freie Universitat Berlin, Marc Bloch Institute, Berlin Wierzba, Poland, September, 2001.
·       Member 22nd Summer Course of Isodarco (International School on Disarmament and Research on Conflicts) entitled “Global Climate Changes and Impact on Natural Resources.”, Candriari, Italy, June, 2001.
·       Member of National “Seminar of Political Philosophy” arranged by Institute Tertio Millennio and Jagiellonian University, Jaroslaw, Poland, January, 2001.
·       Member of “2002 Krakow Democracy & Diversity Institute”, organized by New School Now York, Przegorzaly, Poland, June, 2002.
·       “Building Toward the Future – Jewish – Christian Dialogue in Inter – Cultural Context” organized by Augsburg University, Notre Dame University, Centre for Dialogue and Prayer in Oswiecim, Pontifical Academy of Theology in Krakow, Krakow, Poland, September, 2003.
·       “The Sixths gathering of TaMaR” organised by World Union of Progressive Judaism with cooperation with Hagsaham Department of World Zionist Organisation, Jerusalem, Israel, June, 2003.
·       “How to Fight Misused Images: the Role of Jewish Leader” organized by European Union of Jewish Students with educational assistance of the Directorate of Youth And Sport of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France, May 2003.
·       Member of 15th Winter Course of Isodarco (International School on Disarmament and Research on Conflicts) “The Surge in nonstate violence: roots, impacts and countermeasures”, Andalo, Italy, February, 2003.
·       “The Seventh gathering of TaMaR” organised by World Union of Progressive Judaism with cooperation with Hagsaham Department of World Zionist Organisation, Jerusalem, Israel, February, 2004.
·       National Scientific Conference "Culture Matters", UMCS, paper Artificial Intelligence, threat or support for culture, Lublin, Poland, November, 2018.
·       National Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference "Cultural Faces of Technology", AGH University of Science and Technology, paper: Zero-one model of transcultural - human-algorithmic project, Krakow, Poland, March, 2019.
·       Interdisciplinary Conference "Shapes of Future", The University of Bielsko-Biala, paper, Choices - ethical problems of algorithms in autonomous vehicles, Bielsko Biala, Poland, March 2019.
·       National Scientific Conference "False - forgery - counterfeit - fake. Culture, history, media, society”, Facta Ficta Research Centre, paper: Fake Social Bubbles, Krakow, Poland, April 2019.
·       National Scientific Conference “The Spirit of Reason. Research by young scientists inspired by religion", UO, paper: Religiosity of machines, Opole, Poland, May 2019.
·       National Scientific Conference "Interdisciplinary Forum #power", KUL, paper: "Man vs. Artificial intelligence", Lublin, Poland, May 2019.
·       National Scientific Conference "Human and non-human faces of transhumanism", UMCS, Lublin, paper: Artificial Intelligence: do we have anything else to say, Lublin, June 2019.
·       Summer School - PhiWeek Bootcamp, European Space Agency (ESA), ESRIN, Summer School. Rome, Italy, 2019.
·       XI Polish Philosophy Congress, KUL, paper: Autonomous cars and their choices, Lublin, September 2019.
·       Scientific Conference "Transhumanism: ideas, strategies, doubts 3.0", University of Warsaw, Warsaw, February 22-23, 2020, paper: Religiousness of machines, Warsaw, Poland, February 2020.
·       Scientific Conference "Transhumanism: ideas, strategies, doubts 3.0", University of Warsaw, paper: Religion of machines2, Warsaw, Poland, February 2020.
·       International Scientific Conference - SLSA - Socio-Legal-Studies-Association, Annnual Conference, paper: A Scientist does not have to be Human?, Cardiff University, Great Britain, April 2021.
·       Conference "Aesthetic Thinking", Department of Aesthetics and Philosophy of Culture, UMCS and Witkacy Theater in Zakopane, paper: Beauty in the 
·       Wirtualium 2.0, "Implementing ethics in virtual space: an interdisciplinary analysis of moral relationships in the context of virtual reality technology", VR, May 2023
·       Conference: Parergon as a metaphor for the contemporary world. Philosophy, Aesthetics, Art, paper: "Artificial Intelligence as a parergon of contemporary art: Aesthetics and philosophy in the face of new technologies", Zakopane, June 2023.
·       ML Community Poland, ChatGPT - ML on humans, Kraków, March 2023.
·       XI Cashless Kongres, Digital Era, Open lecture: CHAT GPT as an example of generative AI solutions that are changing the perception of everything we have learned and seen so far, Warsaw, May 2023
·       Responsible AI, open lecture for P&G and Google, Warsaw, October 2023
·    Conference: Ethics by Design, paper: Human-Centric AI, Bringing Sociological Insights and Philosophical Ethics in Medical and Financial Industries, October 2023
·       Wirtualium 3.0, Esthetic in Metaversum, May 2024
·       Conference: Elements in Art, AI Ethics in the Face of Modern Holism Challenges: Perspectives on the Integration of Technology and Humanism", Zakopane, June 2024.

Certificated online courses

·       Science & Cooking: From Haute Cuisine to Soft Matter Science, e-learning, Harvard, 2014.
·       Writing in Sciences, e-learning, Stanford, 2015. 
·       Responsible Innovation: Ethics, Safety and Technology, e-learning, Delft University of Technology https://courses.edx.org/certificates/594f29fe64ff4c4db635e8f65655fb41 2018.
·       Enterprise Design Thinking Practitioner, IBM, Wrocław, 2019.
·       Electric Cars: Introduction, e-learning, Delf University, 2019.
·       Electric Cars: Policy, e-learning, Delf University, 2019.
·       Introduction to Engineering and Design, e-learning, Brown University, 2019.
·       Computing in Python I: Fundamentals and Procedural Programming, e-learning, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2020.
·       Computing in Python II: Control Structures, e-learning, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2020.
·       Computing in Python III: Data Structures, e-learning, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2020.
·       Create a Professional Online Presence, e-learning, University of Leeds, Institute of Coding, 2020.
·       AI for Everyone: Master the Basics, e-learning, 2020.
·       COVID-19: Tackling the Novel Coronavirus, e-learning, London School of Hygiene&Tropical Medicine, 2020.
·       DEI01x: Data Ethics, AI and Responsible Innovation, University of Edinburgh, e-learning, 2021
·       Virtual BB Summer School of Evaluation in Social PoliciesVirtual BB Summer School of Evaluation in Social Policies, European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research, 2021.
·       DM1.2PCx: Digital Marketing e- learning, University of Edinburgh,2022.
·       Computer Programming for Everyone, e-learning, University of Leeds, 2020.
·       The Online Training: Introduction to Digital Journalism, Reuters, e-learning, 2023.
·       ChatGPT101: Introduction to ChatGPT, edx, e-learning, 2023.
·       Decolonizing and Globalizing LGBTQ+ StudiesDecolonizing and Globalizing LGBTQ+ Studies, NEW UNIVERSITY IN EXILE CONSORTIUM THE NEW SCHOOL FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH, onlie course (4months), 2023.
·       ChatGPT Complete Guide: Learn Midjourney, ChatGPT 4 & More, e-learning, Udemy, 2023.
·       Introduction to Responsible AI, Google Cloud, e-learning, 2023.  
·       Public Speaking, Zespół Ekspertów Manger, e-learning, 2023.
·       Discovery Program, Women Go Tech, e-learing, 2023. 
·       Animal Behaviour and Welfare, The University of Edinburgh, Coursera, e-learning, 2023
·       The Science of Well-Being, Yale, e-learning, 2024


Languages: Fluent in English. Very good in Spanish. Good in German. Mother tongue – Polish

Creative writing: Creative writing course, ZNACZY SIĘ New Art Foundation, Krakow (2009–2010), Polish School of Reportage, Institute of Reportage, Warsaw (2010–2011)